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Nachrichten - Jonny1234

Seiten: 1
Arbeiten / Please advise
« am: 12. März 2012, 11:46:17 »
Firstly, I am sorry for writing in English however I have a few question about Arbeitlos benefit.

The person is living in Freiburg (registered in Freiburg in NOV 2011)

Please advise based on below, is the person entitled to claim unemployment benefit?

Current employment finishes end of April.
Work history in the last 2yrs 
April 2010 to August 2010, (5months UK)
Sept 2010 Sept to May 2011 (Travelling study language etc...during the period did not claim any benefit in the UK) 
Mid June 2011 to April 2012   (10.5months CH Basel)
Total 15.5months working in the last 2yrs.
Living in Freiburg for 4months now (moved from Basel to Freiburg)

I heard that the employment histoy is tranferable (to some extent) within EU and Switzerland, in that case, the person worked more than 12 months out of 24 months.

If you can advise on this, that would be great.


Seiten: 1